Secure Scuttlebutt - SSB
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Secure Scuttlebutt (SSB) is a Free-as-in-Freedom decentralized (p2p) social network. I joined the "Scuttleverse" last December. The Scuttleverse is a strange place. Strange, but friendly and welcoming.
Secure Scuttlebutt is completely decentralized and offline-first. Each SSB participant (account) has a feed with signed messages (sigchain) which can be pulled by others. Feeds are immutable, i.e. SSB posts cannot be deleted or edited. "Following" somebody means replicating their complete feed to the local disk. Thus all SSB content is stored distributed on participants' local drives. You can post a message to your own feed without being online (local/offline-first) and it will be replicated as soon as your follower(s) connect. Connections can be made locally (LAN/WiFi) without intermediaries or via so-called "rooms". Rooms provide connectivity for different SSB participants behind NAT.
There are a number of different SSB clients, the most prominent being "Patchwork" for Linux, macOS, and Windows. Patchwork provides a friendly view of your timeline, supports "likes", hashtags as topic channels, and more:

Onboarding to the decentralized SSB is a bit tricky as you need to know someone on SSB to connect to. Fortunately, there are so-called "Pubs" which are "always-on" accounts which help with bootstrapping. Public Pubs provide free invite codes. Redeeming the invite code makes the Pub follow your feed thus others on the Pub can see your posts. Joining a Pub is great to start from zero, but also means that your SSB client will pull a lot of data (Gigabytes) from the Pub. Your SSB client might therefore be busy downloading and indexing for the first hours.
How to get started:
download a SSB client, e.g. Patchwork or one of the other apps
select a Pub from the list of public Pubs
copy the invite code
open the SSB client, click on "+ Join Server", and paste the invite code
wait for downloading and indexing (this might take hours!)
follow people to your liking
introduce yourself in the "#new-people" channel (can be later, lurking is fine!)
optional: join one of the public SSB rooms for better connectivity (or join mine)
optional: unfollow the Pub (the Pub will still follow you) [3]
If you want to follow me on SSB, here my different identities (different devices):
Remember: everything in SSB is public [4] and you need to follow accounts to see content.